Examining the Role of Deception on Employees’ Threat Appraisal Process, Coping Appraisal Process and Unethical Behavior in Organization

Taslima Jannat, Nor Asiah Omar, Syed Shah Alam


The purpose of this study is to examine whether deception influences unethical behavior, employee perceptions of threat, and their coping appraisal processes. It also examines the role of deception in influencing employees' threat appraisal and coping appraisal processing. Using the structural equation model (PLS-SEM), this study reveals a strong relationship between deception, unethical behavior, employees' perceived threat appraisal process, and the coping appraisal process. The empirical findings suggest that deception is a common practice in organizations and significantly influences unethical behavior. This study also finds that deception plays a crucial role in reducing employees' perceptions of threat regarding negative outcomes for engaging in unethical behavior while significantly influencing employees' perceived coping appraisal process, which suggests that deceptive behavior can protect them from the threat of detection their unethical behavior. The findings provide new insights into the relationship among deception, employees' perceived threat appraisal process, coping appraisal process, and unethical behavior and paves the way for further research in this area.

JEL Classification: L3, M1, M10, M14, M48

How to Cite:

Jannat, T., Omar, N. A., & Alam, S. H. (2021). Is Deception an Antecedent for Employees’ Cognitive Appraisal Proceses and Unethical Behavior?. Etikonomi, 20(1), 153 – 168. https://doi.org/10.15408/etk.v20i1.15433.


coping appraisal process; deception; employee; threat appraisal process; unethical behavior


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