Rosniati Apriani Risna, Kapat Yuriawan





Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi empat aspek berbeda dari pengetahuan pedagogi dan tiga aspek dari pengetahuan materi, serta terkait di antara aspek-aspek PCK. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa skor PCK calon guru biologi dalam menyusun rencana pelajaran dan praktik mengajar berada dalam kategori baik, dengan hasil persentase skor CK 70,83% (baik), hasil persentase skor PK 75,70% (baik), dan hasil persentase skor PCK 66,67% (sangat baik). Temuan dalam penelitian ini adalah kemampuan smahasiswa calon guru mulai berkembang mengenai PCK melalui cara penyampaian materi pelajaran biologi dengan menghargai ide-ide siswa sebelumnya dalam pembelajaran, meskipun kedalaman pemahaman bervariasi. Selain itu, hasil PCK menunjukkan banyak perkembangan dalam perancangan rencana pelajaran melalui pengetahuan konstruktivis. Pengembangan terhadap pengetahuan pedagogi, konten dan PCK berkaitan dengan keterampilan mengajar merupakan aspek yang sangat penting. Penggunaan rencana pelajaran yang mudah diakses dapat meningkatkan kemampuan PCK untuk mengembangkan prinsip-prinsip pedagogis. Meskipun pengembangan konten dan PCK terkait pedagogis, mungkin cukup untuk memungkinkan mahasiswa calon guru untuk membuat dan menghubungkan konteks materi pelajaran biologi yang memfasilitasi siswa dalam pembelajaran kontekstual.



Since its establishment on 18th May 1817, conservation, research, and education, have become core competence of Bogor Botanic Gardens (BBG). The Gardens become a valuable destination showed by about 1.2 million visitors annually, but only less than 10% of those with educational visitation. Therefore, an identification and evaluation of variety and characteristics of education tools supporting environmental education in BBG is carried out in this study. The study showed that topics and tools applied in BBG is quite various but their content and approach have to be improved. Topics highlighted trending conservation and environmental issues have been incorporated in education programs and activities, in line with BBG’s vision and mission. All the educational tools in terms of interpretative materials are potential to improve visitor’s knowledge. However there are only a few can generate positive behaviour towards environment. Efforts in integrating technology into educational tools were observed, such as mobile application for self-guided tour. Other tools are thematic routes and a newly established education room called Ecodome. These tools support one of Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC) target and objective in terms of education and awareness about plant diversity, environment, its role in sustainable livelihoods and importance to all life on Earth.


Bogor Botanic Gardens; conservation; interpretasi; Kebun Raya Bogor; keanekaragaman tumbuhan; konservasi; pendidikan lingkungan; environmental education; interpretation; plant diversity

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15408/es.v11i1.11484 Abstract - 0 PDF - 0


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