Journalism Awareness: Dalam Sebuah Catatan

Ita Rodiah



This Article analyses a keen relationship between mass media and the audience, and also analyses between their elemenets and attibutes that intersects one to another. After the awareness of both sides (mass media and the audience) meet, mingle, and even grapple in the process of productions and receptions, they mutually produce an awareness that make them both more mature, i.e. the awareness of mass media related to its role and its function; and the awareness of the audience regarding their essence and their existence as an audience.



Artikel ini mengkaji hubungan yang saling menginginkan antara berita di media massa dan audience serta elemen dan atribut yang saling bersinggungan diantara keduanya. Setelah kesadaran pada masing-masing pihak bertemu, berjabatan, bahkan bersitegang dalam proses produksi dan resepsinya, kemudian lahirlah kesadaran yang mendewasakan diantara keduanya, kesadaran media massa akan peran dan fungsinya dan kesadaran audience terhadap esensi dan eksistensinya sebagai seorang audience.

DOI: 10.15408/al-turas.v23i1.4807


Journalism, publication, information, audience, demography, in-depth., media, segmentation, fit to print, news, news editor, prominence, watchdog.


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