Sejarah Peranan Perempuan dalam Hijrah Rasulullah SAW pada 622 M

Rubiyanah Rubiyanah


This article discusses the period of Rasulullah saw hijriah which is an important moment in the history of Islam. The word hijriah means physically move to another place. Rasulullah saw and his companions moved from Mekkah to Yastrib which in 622 became Madinah. After the decease of Rasulullah, the context of hijrah changed; first, leaving a place full of kafir to a place full of Muslim, like the hijrah of Rasulullah saw from MEkkah to Madinah. Second, leaving bad behavior and sins to virtue Allah commands as explained in al-Qur'an; He said; " I will leave home for the sake of my LOrd" (Q.S 29;26). History notes the success of Rasulullah and his companions' hijrah was the result of good cooperation between generations; older generation (Ali ibn  Abu Thali), and women (Asma binti Abu Bakar, Ummu Ma'nan, Shafiyah binti Abul Muthalib, etc.)


Rasulullah saw; hijrah; kerjasama


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DOI: 10.15408/bat.v16i3.4287


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