الدرسة الكو فية والمنهج النحو ى منها

ِA Asdari


In the study of the science of nahwu and saraf (Arabic grammer) there exist two opposing schools of thoughts, namely the school of Basrah wich came earlier and the school of Kufah wich appeared after that. The school of Kufah Determine Arabic vocabularies through what they believe originated from verbs. Whereas the School of Kufah determine Arabic Vocabularies through what they have heard from their ancestors wether through poems, prose, and others thus not needing a definite principle as is adopted by the School of Basrah.


Madrasah; Basrah; Kufah


a-Turats, Volume Xv No. 1, Januari 2009

Arabic As A Language between Qur'anic (Sacred) and Historical Designations

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Mohd Faisol abdul Hamid

Rahimin Affandi Abdul rahim

The Darkness in Umairoh

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Studi Awal Historiografi Islam Abad Pertengahan

Deden Zaenal Muttaqin

Abdush Shamad al-Falimbani dalam Wacana Sejarah Intelektual

M.Ma'ruf Misbah

Sejarah Perkembangan Islam di Tengah Dinasti-Dinasti Cina

Didin Saepudin

Fahmi Irfani

Al-Turats, Volume XV No.2, Mei 2009

Keterkaitan antara Bahasa, Pikiran, dan Kebudayaan


Akar Tradisi Musyawarah di Indonesia

Dzuriyatun Toyibah

Maghaz/Sebagai Bentuk Historiografi Awal islam


Nizar Qabbani Nasiran

Ali Hasan al-bahar

Al-Qiyam al-Islamiyyah fi A'mal al-Hakim al-Adabiyyah

Sabaruddin Garancang

kamus al-'Ain

Benarkah Karya al-Khalil ?

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DOI: 10.15408/bat.v15i3.4275


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