I'jaz Al- Quran al- Lughawi

Fathurrahman Rauf


Al-Qur'an is Allah's verses revealed to the universe and as a miracle of Rasulullah (pbuh) arranged in good and beautiful
Arabic, in which Arabs and their poets at that time could not equal and make it well even little. The miracle of Qur'an well known
in its language and literature which includes all aspects like in phisical structure (language style) and inner structure (its content
and message)


al-Qur'an; I'jaz; Mukjizat


Badwi, Ahmad Ahmad, Min Balaghah Al-Qur'an, Mesir: Dar Nahdlah, 1950.

Abdul Djalal, Prof. Dr. MA. H, Ulumul Qur'an, Surabaya: Dunia llmu, 2000, cet. Ke 2.

Shalih, Subhi, Membahas Ilmu-Ilmu Al-Qur'an, Terj. Tim Pustaka Firdaus, Jakarta: Pustaka Firdaus, 2001, cet. 8.

Qattan, Manna' Khalil, Studi llmu-Ilmu Qur'an, Terj. Drs. Muzakkir AS, Jakarta: Pustaka Litera Antar Nusa, 2001, cet. ke-6.

Hasan, Muahammad Abdul Ghani, Talkhish fi Majazat AJ-Qur'an, Kairo: Dar lhya Al-Kutub Al-Arabiyyah, 1955.

Jarim, Ali dan Mustafa Amin, Al-Balaghah Al-Wadlihah, Mesir: Dar Al-Ma'arif, tth.

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DOI: 10.15408/bat.v12i3.4223


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