Development of Integrated Web Based Academic Information System: A Case Study at Secondary Islamic School of Muhammadiyah

Syopiansyah Jaya Putra


With the rapid development of Information Technology has changed our lifestyle and  nautre of works. It make us more productive and work bocome simple and easier.The role of Information System and Technology is not longer  as as supporting tool in the organization, but it is percieved as competitive advantage. Tbis phenomenon is not found in the Islamic School of Muhammadiyah 7 Sawangan. The role of Information System is used only  for data entry and basic search including in academic matters. It is therefore, there is need to develop integrated academic information system in the school. Then,  the system  development life cycle (SDLC)  is used as method in developing the system where 5 stages:Planning, Analysis, Design, Development, and  Implementation are taken. PHP and MySQL as the programming langguange in this system.


Keywords : Information System, SDLC,  Academic, Informastion System

DOI: Abstract - 0


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