Airborne Real Time Instrumentation System (ARTISt): Studi Analisis dan Perancangannya
Imam M. Shofi
ARTISt is an instrumentation system based on Personal Computer (PC) which is installed on board the prototype aircraft to perform presentation of flight test data in real time. The presentation consists of display the data in table mode, graphic mode, mixed mode (table and graphic), and xplot mode (graphic between 2 parameters), and also print and record the data. The data which has been recorded by ARTISt, can be used by other software through the Disk Management System (DMS). The PC equipped with an interface for Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) decoder called ARTISt Card.In this paper, we are discussing about requirements analysis and design the ARTISt.
Keywords :
ARTISt, flight test data, real time, table mode, graphic mode, mixed mode, xplot mode, requirements analysis and design
DOI: Abstract - 0
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