Otentikasi Data Menggunakan Algoritma Asimetrik Riverst Shamir Adleman (RSA)

Herlino Nanang


The development of computer systems and their interconnection via the Internet has increased the dependence of  both individuals and organizations. The Internet is a public network whose existence is very necessary as an information and communication medium, which is free. This, in turn, has led to a heightened awareness of security issues

Security problem are importaint. At information system many issuer about computer crime and difficult to differend which true data. Many models which used togain unauthorized access to data. In order for information to be used only by authorized people to avoid fraud and to ensure the security of users and server, a system needs to be developed which separates users and servers. One technology that can meet the requirement above is cryptography.

In data, the needed assurances are that only intended recipients are able to access the appropriate information (confidentiality), that the information was not altered during transmission (integrity), that the information came from the appropriate sender (authentication).

Keywords: Security, Authentication, Data

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15408/jti.v2i1.5 Abstract - 0


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