Comparison of Criteria Weight Determination Using MEREC and CRITIC Methods in Choosing The Best Student Accommodation with the MOORA Method Case Study: Coventry University

M. Thosin Yuhaililul Hilmi, Ulla Delfana Rosiani, Ely Setyo Astuti


One of the challenges faced by IISMA Awardees and students in general in Coventry University is choosing a comfortable place to live. Although various student accommodations are provided, differences in facilities and considerations from other parties such as parents and friends make the selection process complicated. This study develops a decision support system to help students choose student accommodation objectively without any intervention from others and provides a comparison of the use of different combinations of methods as additional guidance in the decision-making process. Two methods, Method Based on the Removal Effects of Criteria (MEREC) and Criteria Importance Through Intercriteria Correlation (CRITIC), are used to weight the criteria. The Multi-Objective Optimization (MOORA) method is used to determine the best alternative after the weight calculation is known. The results using a combination of the MEREC-MOORA method and a combination of the CRITIC-MOORA method place Alternative 5 (A5) in first place, while the remaining alternatives show a similar ranking order. In this study, scenario testing was also carried out by deleting and adding criteria and alternatives which then provided ranking results with a positive correlation even though different combinations of methods were used in determining the ranking.


decision support system, student accommodation, MEREC, CRITIC, MOORA


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