Utilization of the FP-Growth Algorithm on MSME Transaction Data:Recommendations for Small Gifts from The Padang Region
The existence of adequate transaction data turns out to have a similar sales transaction pattern for MSMEs, so it would be a shame if it were left like that. Moreover, this data can be used to increase efficiency in MSMEs in the culinary sector, one of which is as a recommendation for small gifts. The study uses the Association Rules technique, whereas fp-growth is used to obtain a combination of elements. The goal is to facilitate MSMEs' ability to suggest small gifts to clients. The fp-growth algorithm calculation was implemented to process 2043 data originating from transaction data in MSMEs, with the specified minimum support value being 15%, while the minimum confidence value determined was 55%. The results of the trial obtained the two best rules, namely, "If a customer buys a list of small gifts from Balado Sanjai Chips, then the customer will buy Jangek Crackers" and "If a customer buys Jangek Crackers, then the customer will buy Sanjai Balado Chips".
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15408/jti.v17i1.37966 Abstract - 0 PDF - 0
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