The Development of Interactive Games for Covid-19 Prevention Using Indonesian Health Protocols
COVID-19 has become a virus spreading quickly across the world.
The government of Indonesia also immediately adjusted the
conditions to minimize the spread of the COVID-19 virus by
implementing the health protocols 5M namely, wearing a mask,
washing hands, keeping distance, avoiding crowds, and reducing
mobility. With the advancement of technology, games can be used as
educational media to support users learning processes and increase
their knowledge. Therefore, we conducted a study using the learning
support media, namely interactive games based on a personal
computer platform with the Windows operating system to help the
users understand the prevention of the COVID-19 virus by
implementing health protocols. This study proposes using a structure
for the iterative cycle process called the ADDIE model framework and
using the Unity game engine for its game development tools. To
measure the feasibility of interactive games as educational media, we
use the System Usability Scale method. Based on the application
testing of 50 respondents, interactive games get a score of 90 on a scale
that is acceptable. The results also indicate that interactive games as
educational media will improve the users learning process and
motivation about implementing the health protocols.
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