Sistem Aplikasi Akademik Case Study: Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi UIN Jakarta
Academic letter within the faculty of
science and technology become a big job, considering
it was previously done manually and serves 7
department of the department of physics, engineering
informatics, information systems, chemistry, biology,
mathematics and agri business class plus
international and CCIT class, number no students
totaled 2,000 students. many academic letter of
complaint ever. academic letter in the student
ministry that is active demand letter college, thesis
guidance letter, letter of research studies, field work
application letter, letter of active scholarship,
fieldwork guidance letter, certificate of graduation,
student data, certificate of leave, then the background
of the system was made to accommodate the ministry
letter, the methodology used rapid application
development, because the system required by the
student 's application must be immediately
implemented, tested and direct experiments when the
applied research process becomes faster academic
letter and the data stored into the database, then the
application the expected integrated with the
university's academic information system
Kata Kunci–informasi system; pensuratan,
academic; pensuratan systems; information systems
academic pensuratan
science and technology become a big job, considering
it was previously done manually and serves 7
department of the department of physics, engineering
informatics, information systems, chemistry, biology,
mathematics and agri business class plus
international and CCIT class, number no students
totaled 2,000 students. many academic letter of
complaint ever. academic letter in the student
ministry that is active demand letter college, thesis
guidance letter, letter of research studies, field work
application letter, letter of active scholarship,
fieldwork guidance letter, certificate of graduation,
student data, certificate of leave, then the background
of the system was made to accommodate the ministry
letter, the methodology used rapid application
development, because the system required by the
student 's application must be immediately
implemented, tested and direct experiments when the
applied research process becomes faster academic
letter and the data stored into the database, then the
application the expected integrated with the
university's academic information system
Kata Kunci–informasi system; pensuratan,
academic; pensuratan systems; information systems
academic pensuratan
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