Java Bridge Module dan Java Component API untuk SID Simulator

Muhammad Hasrul Ma’ruf, Nurhayati


Simulation tools help creating a low cost and efficient development of embedded system. SID is an open source simulator
software that consists library of components for modelling hardware and software components. A component can be written in
C/C++ and Tcl/Tk. Currently, the SID simulation toolkit only provides support for C++ and Tcl/Tk. Tcl/Tk is used to create
GUI-based components. However, we have observed that Tcl/Tk components causing slow simulation response. Developing
GUI using Tcl/Tk is also inflexible. Thus it is not proper for developing the cutting-edge products with rich graphics. In this
work, we introduced the idea of Java as an alternative platform for developing components in SID. We suggest two design
approaches for Java Bridge module for SID. One is the approach based on socket communication, and the other is based on
JNI. SID API for Java component development is also proposed to ensure the compatibility and simplicity of SID components in

Key-Words: - Embedded system, Simulator, SIDd, Bridge component, Java, Software

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