Call for Articles

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf on Studia Islamika, I am pleased to announce that the journal is now open for submissions. We invite you to submit articles on any topics that are part of the journal's editorial calendar as well as on additional topics of interest to our journal. 

Studia Islamika is a multidisciplinary journal which focuses on publishing new research in all areas of Islam in Indonesia as well as Islam in Southeast Asia

The journal is published 3 times per year (April, August, and December) and combines longer feature articles (English and Arabic) with a short document report and a longer book review article (Bahasa Indonesia). All published articles are available online. These articles undergo the rigorous double-blind peer-review process. For further details on submission standards, please see our website at:

The journal is managed by editors at PPIM UIN Jakarta but it has a distinguished international advisory board, including scholars from Asia, Australia, Europe, and America.The journal will address issues of importance to scholars, students and researchers of Islam in Indonesia as well as those interested in Islam and its broader contexts in Southeast Asian region.

We will highly appreciate your kind helps to circulate this announcement to your related academic circles.



Oman Fathurahman
Managing Editor