Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Rawat Inap (Studi Kasus: Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak Buah Hati Ciputat)

Yuni Sugiarti, Nuryasin Nuryasin, Nur Fitriani


Mother and Child Hospital Buah Hati is a private institution that is related to the world of health. One of the roles of mother and child hospital betel Hatiyaitu provide health services for children, mothers and society in general. To smoothness patient data, inpatient room, which was in the hospital needed a system that could manage this information. The purpose of this research is to design awake patient data processing system that has been applied and integrated. Help in registering patients, to determine the status of inpatient rooms, the search process patient data and preparing reports. The research methodology used is the method of data collection (interviews, observation, literature) and the method of system development (RAD) Rapid Application Development. RAD consists of Scope definition, system analysis, system design, testing and implementation. Inpatient Information System is built using the programming language PHP 5.1 and MySQL database using version 5.0.16. Results are Inpatient Information System that integrates well.

Keywords: Analysis, Design, Information Systems, Inpatient, RAD

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