Perancangan Sistem Informasi Data Trip Lintasan Perhari Cabang Merak dan Laporan ke ASDP Berbasis Web pada PT. Jemla Ferry

Saipul Anwar, Yasin Efendi, Ambi Muhammad Dzuhri


Nowadays, the development of information technology very rapidly provides much convenience to the various aspects of the demanding performance of professional yamg one of them in service. Information technology can meet the needs of information very quickly, timely, relevant, and accurate. Similarly with PT. JEMLA FERRY which is a company engaged in the ocean transportation services. Operational Division is a division that is very important, for the PT. JEMLA FERRY require processing ship track data such as total trip, total passengers and total highly effective vehicle that will be used in every branch of PT. Jemla Ferry will then be compiled into a financial statement. Developments in information technology can be felt significantly in processing the data that has changed from a manual system to a computer system and the emergence of software-software to make it easier to create income statements vessel. The current system has been done in computerized namely an application using Microsoft Excel, but is not maximized. With the data information system design trajectories day trip peacock branches on the PT. FERRY JEMLA expected to improve the reporting of data processing system or the current trip can be developed using PHP and MySQL, so as to further improve operational performance at the operational division of PT. JEMLA FERRY.

Keywords: Information Systems, Data Warehouse, PHP, MySQL

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