Enhancing Competitiveness of Indonesian Culinary SMEs: The Role of Entrepreneurial Networks, Entrepreneurial Bricolage, and Frugal Innovation

Dini Turipanam Alamanda, Grisna Anggadwita, Werda Bagus Profityo Bagus Profityo, Dinar Mariam Kurniati


Research Originality: This study comprehensively analyzes entrepreneurial networks, bricolage, and frugal innovation within the context of Indonesian culinary SMEs.

Research Objectives: This study explores how entrepreneurial networks, entrepreneurial bricolage, and frugal innovation contribute to improving the competitiveness of SMEs in Indonesia's culinary sector.

Research Methods: Data analysis was conducted using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) with a total of 100 culinary SMEs across various regions of Indonesia.

Empirical Results: This study reveals that while entrepreneurial networks do not directly impact competitiveness, they play a crucial role in fostering entrepreneurial bricolage and frugal innovation. These two constructs, in turn, significantly enhance the competitiveness of SMEs.

Implications: This research provides insights on how SMEs in emerging economies can harness resourcefulness and innovation to sustain growth and competitiveness.

JEL Classification: L14, L26, O31, O32


entrepreneurial networks; entrepreneurial bricolage; frugal innovation; SME competitiveness


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