Determinants of Behavioral Intentions to Use Sharia Financial Technology (Fintech)
The growth of sharia fintech is not proportional to the majority of the Muslim population. There are only a few studies that discuss the behavioral intentions of consumers who use sharia fintech. This study aims to identify the factors influencing Muslim's behavioral intentions in using sharia fintech. This study conducted 400 respondents in four types of sharia fintech (digital payment, lending, crowdfunding, and risk and management). This study uses a structural Equation Modeling - Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) approach. Variable Planned behavior (PB), Acceptance Model (AM), Use of Technology (UT), Digital Literacy (DL), and Sharia Financial Literacy (SFL) have significant positive effects on Behavior Intention (BI). This study provides recommendations to improve the distribution of internet access infrastructure and the right curriculum in increasing digital literacy, Islamic finance literacy, and also more accessible fintech services.
JEL Classification: D83, D91, G2, Z1
How to Cite:
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DOI: 10.15408/sjie.v10i2.21451
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