Footwear Export Competitiveness of Indonesia and Vietnam

Amanah Abdulkadir, Wendra Afriana, Harry Azhar Azis


This research investigates the primary constraint causing the low competitiveness of Indonesian footwear exports compared to Vietnam with new information from a number of the latest studies. This study uses Reveal Comparative Advantage (RCA) and the Trade Specialization Index (TSI). Differences in culture, economic structure, and firm rivalry all contribute to Indonesia's power competitiveness. This research adds a competitive advantage to study the factors that hamper the low competitiveness of Indonesian footwear against Vietnam. The results show that Indonesia's comparative advantage is more moderate than Vietnam, with an average RCA of 4, while Vietnam is 9. The average value of TSI is Indonesia close to 1 and Vietnam 1. The primary constraints are workers' wages higher than Vietnam, and business services such as R & D have not utilized. The development of the footwear industry policy must identify from upstream to downstream. The affirmative system made must be used to overcome short-medium term problems.

JEL Classification: F13, F12, F17.

How to Cite:

Abdulkadir, A., Afriana, Wendra., & Azis, H. A. (2020). Footwear Export Competitiveness of Indonesia-Vietnam. Signifikan: Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi, 9(2), 269-284.


international trade; competitive products; footwear exports; exports


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DOI: 10.15408/sjie.v9i2.15404


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