The Speech of President Qais Sa’id in the Forum of Gas Exporting Countries: A Study Analysis from the Perspective of Aristotle’s Persuasive Rhetoric

Ahmad Zaimul Umam, Akhmad Ridlo, Asep Sopian


The discourse in a speech by an important figure is critical to study because, in this discourse, there are several exciting elements to study in more depth. One interesting element that can be learned is Aristotle's persuasive rhetoric. This research aims to describe the elements of Aristotle's compelling rhetoric, including ethos, pathos and logos, in Qais Said's Arabic speech at the summit forum of gas exporting countries. This research method uses descriptive qualitative research and a content analysis research design. Data collection techniques include reading, note-taking, and translation. The data analysis technique uses steps, namely collecting, reducing, presenting, and drawing conclusions. The results of this research show that the content of President Qais Said's speech contains elements of Aristotle's persuasive rhetoric, namely: first, the element of ethos, there is an element of good competence totalling three statements, an element of good moral character totalling two statements, and an element of goodwill totalling two statements. Second, there are four elements of pathos. Third, the logos element consists of two statements. The research conclusions show that the discourse in President Qais Said's speech at the 7th Summit of Gas Exporting Countries in 2024 contains all the elements of Aristotle's persuasive rhetoric.


Aristotle, persuasive rhetoric, Arabic speech.

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