Pertemuan Islam dan Kristen di Beranda Iman

Dadi Darmadi


Broadly speaking, the book by Nicolas Jonathan Woly, derived from his doctoral dissertation, discusses the diverse opinions on interfaith relations from Islamic and Christian scholars and theologians in the 20th century. Woly does not seem to want to stop at such a typical discussion; rather, he also wants to specifically examine how such interreligious relationships influence the understanding of Christians and the church in their missiological tasks. Or, as he put it, "…The Church and Christians will listen and perhaps also learn from other religious communities in matters of its mission." In this regard, Woly explicitly states that Christians and the church should also receive input from their historical experiences of encountering people of other faiths.


Dialogue; Islam; Christianity; Faith; Islamic and Christian Theology

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Katerega, Badru and Shenk, David W. Islam and Christianity: A Muslim and a Christian in Dialogue, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1981.

Rais, Amien. “Al-Islām wa al-Nasraniyyah fī Indunisiyā (Islam and Christianity in Indonesia).” Studia Islamika 2, no. 1 (1995).

Sumartana, Th. Mission at the Crossroads: Indigenous Churches, European Missionaries, Islamic Association and Socio-Religious Change in Java 1812-1936, Jakarta: BPK Gunung Mulia, 1991.

Woly, Nicolas Jonathan. Meeting at the Precincts of Faith: A Study on Twentieth Century Christian and Muslim Views on Interreligious Relationships and Its Impact on Missiology. Kampan, Nederland: Drukkerij van den Berg, 1998.

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