Az-zahra Mutiara Syofi Ramadhina, Kunto Adi Wibowo, Detta Rahmawan


Abstract. This research was conducted to see how the media presents characters in animated series based on gender roles. The animated series chosen was "Avatar: The Last Airbender" which aired from 2005 to 2008. In the series, there is character development regarding physical strength that can be analyzed more deeply about how gender is represented in the media. Based on the criteria, the resulting sample was 44 characters from a population of 179 characters. This research was conducted with a coding procedure involving coders. After going through the reliability test stage, statistical analysis was then carried out in the form of descriptive analysis, spearman correlation, and chi-square test to see how much the relationship between variables. There was a finding of a relationship between the variables of intelligence and strength. Male characters who appear more often and are portrayed as stronger can reinforce gender stereotypes.


Abstrak. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat bagaimana media menyajikan karakter pada serial animasi berdasarkan peran gender. Serial animasi yang dipilih ialah "Avatar: The Last Airbender" yang tayang pada tahun 2005 hingga 2008. Dalam serial tersebut terdapat pengembangan karakter mengenai kekuatan fisik yang dapat dianalisis lebih dalam tentang bagaimana representasi gender dalam media. Berdasarkan kriteria, sampel yang dihasilkan sebanyak 44 karakter dari jumlah populasi sebesar 179 karakter. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan prosedur pengkodingan yang melibatkan koder. Setelah melalui tahapan uji reliabilitas, selanjutnya  dilakukan analisis statistik berupa analisis deskriptif, korelasi spearman, dan uji chi-square untuk melihat seberapa besar hubungan antarvariabel. Terdapat temuan adanya hubungan antar variabel kecerdasan dan kekuatan. Karakter laki-laki yang lebih sering muncul serta digambarkan lebih kuat dapat memperkuat stereotip gender.



animation; media; stereotypes; gender; animasi; media; stereotip; gender


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DOI: 10.15408/harkat.v20i1.39702


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