Saifudin Asrori


Abstract. Penitentiary becomes a conducive tool for the spread of radical ideology, member recruitment and the development of extremist groups. This article explores the influence of prison life on prisoners, especially the process of spreading radical ideologies. Knowing the basics of radicalization in prisons and conditions of prisoners' vulnerability to radical ideology. Based on data from interviews with former terrorist inmates in East Java and Jakarta. This article concludes that Lapas has an impact on the continued development of radical ideology based on several conditions, namely: a life characterized by a loss of freedom, being unable to fulfill sexual desires, a loss of security. Based on environmental conditions in the prison process the radicalization process takes a number of forms such as religious conversion, the growth of groups or gangs, and the emergence of various forms of resistance or violence.

Abstrak. Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (Lapas) menjadi sarana yang kondusif bagi penyebaran ideologi radikal, rekrutmen anggota dan perkembangan kelompok ekstremis. Artikel ini mengeksplorasi pengaruh kehidupan Lapas terhadap narapidana, khususnya proses penyebaran ideologi radikal. Mengetahui dasar-dasar radikalisasi di Lapas dan kondisi kerentanan napidana terhadap ideologi radikal. Berdasarkan data wawancara dengan mantan narapidana teroris di Jawa Timur dan Jakarta. Artikel ini menyimpulkan bahwa Lapas memberikan dampak bagi tetap berkembangnya ideologi radikal berdasarkan beberapa kondisi, yaitu: kehidupan yang ditandai dengan hilangnya kebebasan, tidak bisa memenuhi hasrat seksual, hilangnya rasa aman.  Berdasakan kondisi lingkungan lapas proses radikalisasi mengambil berberapa bentuk seperti konversi agama, pertumbuhan kelompok atau geng, dan munculnya berbagai bentuk resistensi atau kekerasan.




prison; imitation; radical ideology; prisoners; penjara; prisonisasi; imitasi; ideologi radikal; narapidana


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DOI: 10.15408/mimbar.v36i1.13184


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