Iin Inayatun Nadhifah, Putri Fajarwati, Eka Sulistiyowati



Semakin banyaknya pemukiman yang dibangun di bantaran sungai di Yogyakarta membuat sungai tercemar limbah rumah tangga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas tanaman eceng gondok (Eichhornia crassipes), genjer (Limnocharis flava), dan semanggi (Marsilea crenata) sebagai fitoremediator dengan wetland system dalam pengolahan air limbah domestik. Tahap pelaksanaan penelitian fitoremediasi diawali dengan pengukuran parameter air limbah yaitu pH, suhu, DO, BOD, dan TDS. Setelah itu, dilakukan aklimatisasi tanaman pada reaktor yang berisi air dan wetland selama 1 minggu. Terdapat empat perlakuan (P1, P2, P3, dan P4) yang digunakan, yaitu P1: air limbah + wetland (sebagai kontrol), P2: air limbah + wetland + 1 eceng gondok, P3: air limbah + wetland + 1 genjer, P4: air limbah + wetland + 1 semanggi. Terdapat 2x pengulangan selama masa retensi 12 hari, 2 variasi pengenceran yaitu 10x dan 100x. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tanaman genjer mampu meningkatkan kadar DO sebesar 50% dan menurunkan kadar BOD sebesar 78%, serta tanaman semanggi mampu menurunkan kadar TDS sebesar 41,4%. Angka ini mencerminkan bahwa penggunaan tanaman-tanaman tersebut memiliki potensi besar dalam membantu pemurnian air.


The increasing number of settlements built along the river banks in Yogyakarta resulted in household waste entering the river. This study aims at determining the effectiveness of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes), genjer (Limnocharis flava), and clover (Marsilea crenata) as phytoremediators, in a wetland system. Firstly, wastewater parameters such as pH, temperature, DO, BOD, and TDS are measured. After that, plants were acclimatized in the reactors containing water and substrate derived from a wetland for 7 days. There were four treatments applied in this research (P1, P2, P3, and P4), P1: wastewater + wetland (as control), P2: wastewater + wetland + 1 water hyacinth, P3: wastewater + wetland + 1 genjer, P4: wetland water + wetland + 1 clover. Each treatment was replicated twice during the 12 days retention period, and 2 variations of dilution of 10x and 100x. The results indicated that genjer plant was capable of increasing the DO level by 50% and lowering the BOD level by 78%, and the clover plant was able to decrease the TDS level by 41.4%. Those results reveal that the use of the plants has huge potential in helping water purification.


Fitoremediasi; Limbah domestik; Wetland system; Domestic wastewater; Phytoremediation; Wetland system

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