Pengaruh Asam Kuat, Pengamplasan, Dan Lama Perendaman Terhadap Laju Imbibisi Dan Perkecambahan Biji Aren (Arenga pinnata)

Marina Silalahi



(Biji Arenga pinnata memiliki kulit biji  keras dan berlignin sehingga menghambat masuknya air ke dalam biji. Lapisan lignin pada kulit biji dapat didegradasi melalui reaksi kimia maupun perlakuan fisik. Perendaman biji aren dengan asam kuat (HNO3, H2SO4, dan HCl) dan pengamplasan akan mempengaruhi laju imbibisi air melewati kulit biji. Variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini adalah konsentrasi asam kuat (HNO3, H2SO4, dan HCl), luas pengamplasan, air panas, lama perendaman, sedangkan variabel terikat laju imbibisi pada biji aren. Konsentrasi asam kuat yang digunakan adalah 1M dan 0,5M untuk masing-masing HNO3, H2SO4, dan HCl. Pengamplasan dilakukan di bagian pangkal biji, dan luas pengamplasan bervariasi (tanpa amplas, amplas ½ bagian, dan amplas keseluruhan). Setiap perlakuan direndam selama 18, 24 dan 36 jam. Biji aren yang diberi perlakuan fisik maupun kimia mengalami pengelupasan kulit biji. Laju imbibisi biji pada perendaman 24 jam lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan lama perendaman 18 maupun 36 jam. Laju imbibisi tertinggi terjadi pada waktu perendaman 1M HCl dan amplas penuh dengan lama perendaman 24 jam sebesar 0,038 ± 0,002 mL/jam dan 0,038 ± 0,007 mL/jam . Biji aren yang diberi perlakuan fisik dan kimia mulai berkecambah 7 minggu setelah tanam dengan daya kecambah tertinggi pada pemberian HNO3 dan lama perendaman 18 jam.


Arenga pinnata seed has a hard seed coat and lignin that inhibit the absorption of water into the seed. The lignin in the seed coat can be degraded by chemical or physical treatments. Soaking of the palm seeds into strong acids (HNO3, H2SO4, or HCl) and sanding may affect the imbibition rate. The research was conducted to investigate the effect of a strong acid, sanding, and soaking time to the imbibition rate of A. pinnata seed. The independent variables in this research are concentration of the strong acids HNO3, H2SO4, and HCl; sanding, and soaking time, while the dependent variable is the rate of imbibition of A. pinnata Merr. The concentrations of the strong acid used were 1M and 0.5M. The sanding was performed on the base of seeds, which were varied into without sanding, ½ parts, and full sanding). The soaking durations were for 18, 24 and 36 hours. Palm sugar seeds treated by physical or chemical showed damage of the skin seeds. The seeds soaked with strong acid absorbed more water than the sanding and control treatments. The rate of imbibition for a 24-hour soaking showed imbibition rate higher than the 18 or 36-hour soaking. The highest rates of imbibition occurred on the treatments of 1M HCl soaking and 24 hours full sanding which were 0.038 ± 0.002 mL/h and 0.038 ± 0.007 mL/h, respectively. The seeds by physical and chemical treatments started their germination in seven weeks after planting with the highest germination from the treatments of HNO3 and 18 hours soaking time.



Kata kunci: Arenga pinnata; Asam kuat; Imbibisi; Keywords: Arenga pinnata; Imbibition; Strong acids

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