Kesi Kurnia



Bakteri heterotrofik sangat berperan penting dalam sistem perairan karena kemampuan aktivitas metabolismenya. Bakteri tersebut berinteraksi dengan logam dan mineral dalam lingkungan alam dan sintetis, mengubah keadaan fisik dan kimianya sehingga mempengaruhi aktivitas, pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup bakteri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengisolasi dan mengkarakterisasi bakteri resisten logam timbal (Pb) dan asam di Situ Cibintu, Cibinong, Jawa Barat. Sampel air diambil dari 3 titik di Situ Cibuntu dan dianalisis distribusi bakteri heterotrofiknya. Isolat bakteri dikultur di media Triptone Glucose Yeast (TGY). Selanjutnya dilakukan resistensi terhadap logam timbal (Pb) dan asam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah bakteri heterotrof di Situ Cibuntu rata-rata 3,5x103 cfu m/L. Mayoritas (73%) isolat bakteri resisten terhadap logam timbal sebanyak 47% dan resisten terhadap asam (pH 4). Bakteri yang resisten didominasi oleh Gram negatif. Penelitian ini memberikan pengetahuan mengenai kemampuan adaptasi bakteri heterotrof pada lingkungan logam dan asam.


Heterotrophic bacteria play an important role in aquatic systems because of their ability of metabolic activities. They interact with metals and minerals in natural and synthetic environments, altering their physical and chemical state, with metals and minerals also able to affect activity, microbial growth and survival. The purpose of study is to isolate and characterize the lead (Pb) and acid resistant of heterotrophic bacteria strains isolated from pond Cibuntu, Cibinong, West Java. Water samples were collected from three points around pond Cibuntu and analyzed the distribution of heterotrophic bacteria. The bacterial isolates were screened on Triptone Glucose Yeast (TGY) agar plates. Lead (Pb) metal and acidic tolerance were tested. In the present study, the population density of heterotrophic bacteria were recorded 3.5x103 cfu m/L. The majority (73%) of bacteria isolates were resistant to lead and 47% to acid (pH 4). The most abundant type of bacteria resistant is Gram negative. This experiment provides the base to link the adaptation capabilities of heterotrophic bacteria in metal and acid environment.



Bakteri heterotrof; Resisten asam; Resisten logam; Situ Cibuntu; Acid resistant; Heterotrophic bacteria; Metal resistant; Pond Cibuntu

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