Biometrik dan Kematangan Gonad Ikan Selar Kuning (Selaroides leptolepis Cuvier, 1833) Pada Perairan Muara Badak, Kalimantan Timur

Jusmaldi Jusmaldi, Karisma Dewi, Nova Hariani



Aspek biologis ikan Selar kuning Selaroides leptolepis (Cuvier, 1833) pada Perairan Muara Badak, Kalimantan Timur belum pernah diinformasikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis aspek biometrik dan kematangan gonad ikan Selar kuning. Pengumpulan sampel ikan dilakukan setiap bulan dari September hingga Desember 2021. Total 530 individu ikan dikoleksi menggunakan metode acak sederhana dari hasil tangkapan nelayan yang ikannya didaratkan di pelabuhan nelayan Toko Lima, Muara Badak. Panjang tubuh ikan diukur menggunakan kaliper digital dan bobot tubuh ditimbang menggunakan neraca digital. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh panjang tubuh ikan berkisar 91,39–145,44 mm dan bobot 7,60–37,60 g. Modus dominan panjang tubuh ikan didapatkan pada rentang kelas 121,39–127,38 mm. Rasio kelamin adalah 1 jantan: 1,03 betina, yang menunjukkan rasio jenis kelamin seimbang. Hubungan panjang dan bobot tubuh memiliki koefisien korelasi yang kuat (r= 0,953), dengan persamaan regresi W= 0,0000003L3,281. Pola pertumbuhan allometrik positif dan nilai faktor kondisi relatif rata-rata 1,04 ± 0,060, yang mencerminkan kondisi pertumbuhan ikan relatif baik. Persentase tertinggi ikan matang gonad didapatkan pada bulan November dan Desember 2021, yang mengindikasikan ikan siap memijah. Kajian ini meginformasikan hubungan panjang dan bobot tubuh, pola pertumbuhan, faktor kondisi, rasio jenis kelamin, dan tingkat kematangan gonad ikan Selar kuning dari Perairan Muara Badak yang dapat digunakan untuk penilaian kesehatan populasi dan strategi pengelolaannya.


Biological aspects of the Yellow-stripe scad Selaroides leptolepis (Cuvier, 1833) from Muara Badak Waters, East Kalimantan have never been informed anywhere. This research aimed to inform biometrics aspects and gonadal maturity of the Yellow-stripe scad. The collection of fish samples was carried out every month from September to December 2021. A total of 530 individual fish were collected using a simple random method from the catches of fishers who landed their fish at the Toko Lima fishing port, Muara Badak. Its body length was measured using a digital caliper and the body weight was weighed using a digital balance. The results of this research showed that the fish’s body length ranged from 91.39145.44 mm and body weight ranged from 7.6037.60 g. A modus of fish body length was found in the range class of 121.39127.38 mm. The sex ratio is 1 male:1.03 female, which indicates a balanced sex proportion. The length and bodyweight relationship has a strong correlation coefficient (r= 0.953), with the regression equation was W= 0.0000003L3.281. The positive allometric growth and the relative condition factor value were an average of 1.04 ± 0.060, reflecting the fish’s relatively good growth conditions.The highest percentage of gonadal maturity of fishes was found in November and December 2021, which indicated that the fishes were ready to spawn. This research provides information on the relationship between length and body weight, growth patterns, condition factors, sex ratio, and gonadal maturity level of the Yellow-stripe scad from Muara Badak waters which can be used for population health assessment and management strategies.


Biometrik ikan; Perairan Muara Badak; Selar kuning; Tingkat kematangan gonad; Fish biometrics; Muara Badak Waters; Yellow-stripe scad; Gonadal maturity stages

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