Deteksi dan Kuantifikasi Cemaran Babi pada Sampel Olahan Daging Menggunakan Real-time PCR

Seagames Waluyo, Jekmal Malau, Muhareva Raekiansyah, Edwin Yulian, Imam Hardiman



Metode pengujian cemaran babi menjadi faktor penting dalam sertifikasi produk halal. Metode yang cepat dan robust diperlukan untuk deteksi dan kuantifikasi cemaran babi. Metode Real-time PCR atau dikenal dengan istilah quantitative PCR (qPCR) merupakan metode alternatif untuk deteksi dan kuantifikasi cemaran babi berdasarkan residu keberadaan DNAnya pada sampel olahan pangan. Metode ekstraksi DNA dan kit amplifikasi yang tahan terhadap inhibitor menjadi kunci keberhasilan penggunaan qPCR untuk pendeteksian dan kuantifikasi cemaran babi. Pendeteksian cemaran DNA dengan probe qPCR digunakan karena mempunyai kelebihan tahan terhadap inhibitor, cepat, spesifik, dan multipel target. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeteksi dan menguantifikasi cemaran DNA babi menggunakan metode ekstraksi DNA secara cepat dan qPCR. Tahapan penelitian ini adalah ekstraksi DNA, amplifikasi, deteksi, dan kuantifikasi DNA babi. Sampel berasal dari produk olahan pangan, seperti bakso, sosis, daging burger, siomay, kuah daging, dan daging isi roti. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat cemaran babi pada sampel bakso, daging burger, dan kuah bakso. Hasil yang didapatkan menunjukkan bakso memiliki persentase kontaminasi sejumlah 25%, sedangkan kuah daging sejumlah 12,5%. Hasil penelitian ini dapat direkomendasikan untuk laboratorium penguji makanan sebagai metode deteksi cemaran babi dalam produk pangan secara cepat dan akurat.


Pork contamination testing method is an important factor in halal product certification. A fast and robust method is needed for the detection and quantification of pig contamination. Real-time PCR method or commonly known as quantitative PCR (qPCR) is an alternative method for the detection and quantification of pork contamination based on the pig’s DNA residual presence in processed food samples. DNA extraction method and inhibitor-resistant amplification kit are the keys of successful qPCR implementation for the detection and quantification of pig contamination. Detection of DNA contamination with qPCR probe is used because it has some advantages, such as resistant to inhibitors, fast, specific, and multiple targets. This research aimed to detect and quantify pig’s DNA contamination using rapid DNA extraction method and qPCR. The stages of this research were pig’s DNA extraction, amplification, detection, and quantification. The samples taken from processed food products, such as meatballs, sausage, burgers’ meat, dumplings, meat broth, and meat filled in the bread. The results showed that there was pork contamination in the samples of meatballs, burgers’ meat, and meat broth. The results showed that the meatballs had a contamination percentage of 25%, while the meat broth had a contamination percentage of 12.5%. The results of this study can be a recommendation for food testing laboratories as a method of detecting the pork contamination in food products quickly and accurately.


Cemaran babi; Probe; Quantitative PCR; Pork contamination

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