Hubungan Karakter Morfofisiologi dan Hasil Panen Dua Varietas Padi Tercekam Salinitas Menggunakan Penambahan Hara Silika Padat

Nasrudin Nasrudin, Arrin Rosmala



Penggunaan varietas toleran dengan penambahan hara silika merupakan upaya untuk meningkatkan ketahanan padi terhadap cekaman salinitas sehingga dapat memperbaiki hasil panen. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengkaji hubungan karakter morfofisiologi dengan hasil panen pada dua varietas padi tercekam salinitas dengan penambahan hara silika padat. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap faktorial. Faktor pertama, yaitu padi varietas Dendang dan IPB 4S serta faktor kedua, yaitu dosis silika padat per kg tanah antara lain 300 mg, 450 mg, dan 600 mg. Tinggi padi varietas Dendang lebih rendah dibandingkan tinggi tanaman padi varietas IPB 4S. Namun, padi varietas Dendang memiliki jumlah anakan, bobot kering tajuk, jumlah malai per rumpun, persentase gabah isi, dan produktivitas lebih tinggi. Interaksi padi varietas Dendang dengan penambahan 300 mg dosis silika menghasilkan jumlah malai per rumpun dan produktivitas tertinggi. Jumlah anakan dan bobot kering tajuk berkorelasi positif terhadap jumlah malai per rumpun (R²= 0,85; R²= 0,81), persentase gabah isi (R²= 0,75; R²= 0,60), dan produktivitas (R²= 0,65; R²= 0,70). Padi varietas Dendang mampu tumbuh dan berproduksi lebih optimal pada kondisi salin dibandingkan padi varietas IPB 4S. Penambahan silika sebanyak 300 mg mampu memperbaiki beberapa karakter morfofisiologi dan hasil panen.


The use of tolerant varieties with the addition of silica nutrients is an effort to increase rice resistance to saline conditions, thus improving the crop yields. The objective of the study was to examine the relationship between morphophysiological characters and crop yields of two rice varieties under salinity stress with the addition of solid silica nutrients. The study applied a completely randomized factorial design. The first factor was rice of Dendang and IPB 4S varieties, and the second factor was the dosage of silica per kg of soil, namely 300 mg, 450 mg, and 600 mg. In terms of plant height, Dendang variety was lower than IPB 4S, however Dendang produced higher number of tillers, canopy dry weight, number of panicles, percentage of filled grain, and productivity. Interaction between Dendang variety and the addition of 300 mg silica nutrients resulted in the highest number of panicles and productivity. The number of tillers and canopy dry weight had a positive correlation to number of panicles (R²= 0.85; R²= 0.81), to percentage of filled grain (R²= 0.75; R²= 0.60), and to productivity (R²= 0.65; R²= 0.70). The rice of Dendang variety was able to grow and optimally produce yield compared to IPB 4S under saline conditions. The addition of 300 mg solid silica nutrients was able to improve several morphophysiological characters and crop yield.


Cekaman abiotik; Morfofisiologi; Padi; Silika; Abiotic stress; Morphophysiology; Rice; Silica

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