How to Respond to Reviewers

Dear Authors,

This information is a guidance for authors on how to respond effectively to JP3I reviewers' comments during the revision process. Please kindly follow this guidance when revising your manuscript. 

Steps for Responding to Reviewers:

  1. Create a Table of Revisions:
    For each comment from the reviewers, please create a detailed table of revisions. This table should include:

    • Reviewer's Comment: The original comment from the reviewer.
    • Author's Response: Your response to the comment, explaining the changes made or justifying why changes were not necessary.
    • Location of Changes: Specify the exact locations in the manuscript where the revisions were made (e.g., page number,  section, paragraph).
  2. Highlight Changes in the Manuscript:
    In addition to the table of revisions, please highlight the sections in the manuscript where changes have been made. This can be done using track changes or by using a green highlight color to mark the revised text. This helps reviewers to quickly locate and understand the modifications made in response to their comments.

Following these steps will streamline the review process and ensure that your responses are clear and comprehensive.

If you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Thank you for your cooperation.