The Depiction of Al-Bukhārī’s travels in classical Islamic literature

Usman Ghani


Travel (riḥla) after the death of the Prophet Muḥammad, and the geographically disparate locations of his companions made travelling for the acquisition of knowledge, and for the attainment of reliable ḥadīṯh an absolute necessity and it was regarded as a key component in the acquisition of this sacred knowledge. The present paper thus, investigates al-Bukhārī as a major figure in ḥadīṯh compilation. Furthermore, it discusses more specifically how he is perceived and exemplified in biographical literature (ṭabaqāt/tarājim). It subsequently, analyses the historical references (kutub al-tārīkh), in search of any possible subsidiary details.  Finally, by providing a chronological listing of these sources and looking at the included and excluded details, also the possible and acceptable explanations of any incongruities befallen, the present paper will determine whether the information provided is consistent or if it is the subject of embellishment.

Keywords: Riḥla, ḥadīṯh, al-Jāmi‘ al-Ṣaḥīḥ, ṭabaqāt, tarājim


Riḥla, ḥadīṯh, al-Jāmi‘ al-Ṣaḥīḥ, ṭabaqāt, tarājim

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