Solidaritas Sosial dalam Khataman Al-Qur’an Virtual antar Negara (Studi Fenomenologi pada Tradisi Kegiatan Virtual Tenaga Kerja Indonesia Mancanegara)
The phenomenon of the transition of various community activities from offline to online occurs on various sides of life, for this reason, it is necessary to use the use of media as an opportunity that must be utilized as well as possible by the community, thus, the purpose of this study, to describe and find the meaning, the purpose of the value of the phenomenon of virtuAl-Qur’anic khatam between countries experienced by foreign Indonesian workers. by using descriptive qualitative research methods. This research uses qualitative methods using a phenomenological approach. This statement was chosen because the researcher wanted to conduct a textual description of the phenomenon of virtuAl-Qur’anic khatam among foreign workers. The results and conclusions of the virtues of reading the Qur'an are as follows. a. Lovers of the Qur'an by reading it will be recognized as the family of Allah (Bahaullah) and include those privileged by Allah. b. the one who is adept or fashion of reading the Qur'an will be placed by Allah with angels who are obedient to him. These angels are angels who are obedient and obedient to God and always do good, c. The Qur'an is a dish of grace from Allah Almighty. whoever enters it will get the assurance of salvation. d. the house that is often recited by the Qur'an will be attended by the angels of Allah who will look after it and its inhabitants will feel comfortable and peaceful. e. the houses that the Qur'an recites will shine a light on the inhabitants of the sky and its inhabitants. f. frequently busy reciting the Qur'an will bring a very wide variety of goods, g. reading the Qur'an will shape a person's personality to be wise and noble (good)
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Journal of Qur'an and Hadith Studies, P-ISSN: 2089-3434 | E-ISSN: 2252-7060