Jurnal Inovasi Pertambangan dan Lingkungan is a double-blind peer-reviewed, open-access journal published by Department Mining Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta State Islamic University. This journal focuses:
1. Exploration Technology
2. Mine Environment
3. Mineral and Coal Economy
4. Mining Geotechnical and Hydrology
5. Mineral and Coal Processing and Refining
6. Mine Planning
7. Mine Safety
8. Blasting
9. Mining Technology
Jurnal Inovasi Pertambangan dan Lingkungan is a biannual journal published.
Therefore, all articles published by Jurnal Inovasi Pertambangan dan Lingkungan will have unique DOI numbers.
Jurnal Inovasi Pertambangan dan Lingkungan
Country of Publication: Indonesia
Partnership: FORKOPINDO | Format: Print & Online
P-ISSN: 2830-5345 |E-ISSN: 2797-7358| DOI:10.15408/jipl
JIPL had accredited by Mining Engineering of Research, Technology and The Higher Education Republic of Indonesia
Frequency: Biannual | Advance Access: Yes
Scope: Exploration Technology, Mine Environment, Mineral and Coal Economy, Mining Geotechnical and Hydrology, Mineral and Coal Processing and Refining, Mine Planning, Mine Safety, Blasting, Mining Technology
Article Processing Charges: No |Types of Journal: Academic/Scholarly Journals| Open Access: Yes
Indexed & Abstracted: Yes | Policy: Peer-reviewed |ReviewTime: Eight Weeks Approximately
Licensed under: CC-BY-SA |Contact & Submission e-mail: pertambangan.fst@apps.uinjkt.ac.id
Alternate e-mail: nurmayaarofah@uinjkt.ac.id;dewi.ayu@uinjkt.ac.id
Vol 4, No 1 (2024): Jurnal Inovasi Pertambangan dan Lingkungan
Table of Contents
Nandita Suri Kallo
Dwi Rachmawati
Genta Prasasti, Dewi Ayu Kusumaningsih
Zati Hulwani
Aulia Putri Khairani