Pertanggujawaban Pidana Korupsi Dana Haji di Indonesia
Criminal Acts Of Corruption Of The Hajj Fund In The Perspective Of Islamic Criminal Law And Positive Criminal Law. Corruption is one of the things that often becomes an annual and even monthly problem for the government and society. At the 6th United Nations congress in 1980 in Caracas, Venezuela, criminal acts of corruption were classified into types of crimes that are difficult to reach by law (offences beyond the reach of the law). Law enforcement officers are relatively powerless, or have no legal power to deal with this type of crime. There are two main reasons that cause this powerlessness, namely: first; strong economic and political status of their perpetrators (the hight economic or political status of their perpetrators). second; the circumstances surrounding the actions they did were such as to reduce their likelihood of being reported or prosecuted. The Positive Criminal Law defines corruption as an act of benefiting oneself or another person or a corporation, abusing authority and opportunity because of position, while the provisions of Islamic Criminal Law, the crime of corruption refers to the provisions of the punishment of Jarimah Ta'zir, where the sentence is handed over to a judge who to punish according to his actions.
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Pasal 3 UU Nomor 31 Tahun 1999 tentang Tindak Pidana Korupsi
Korupsi Dalam Pandangan Islam, 94debf4/korupsi-dalam-pandangan-islam
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