Public Finance From The Perspective Of Contemporary Fiqh Al-Siyâsah

Masykuri Abdillah


. This article discusses public finance from the perspective of Islamic jurisprudence focusing on fiscal policy. Using the rules of ushul fiqh which emphasizes maqâshid al-syarî'ah as the main method in siyâsah syar'iyyah. This policy includes the function of managing sources of public income and their distribution or managing public spending as well as the function of financial stabilization. The study found that management of public revenues, such as zakat, waqf, infaq, sadaqah, in addition to jizyah, kharâj, ghanîmah, and fai' is currently not yet practiced, so ulama provides support for the development of a fair tax system and state efforts to manage natural resources sustainably as well as the development of accountable public services. The main priority in preparing the state budget is realizing people's welfare, poverty alleviation, and economic development.


State Finance (Public Finance), Fiscal Policy, Public Revenue, Public Expenditure, Management Of Public Finance.


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DOI: 10.15408/aiq.v16i1.39503


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