An Effort to Increase Zakat Awareness: The Role of Public Figures

Muhammad Hasbi Zaenal, Meis Winih Sosianti, Ihsanul Ikhwan, Siti Maulida Adiningsih


This research aims to analyze the influence of public figures on the intention to pay zakat. The variables adopted in this research are variables related to the characteristics of public figures: trustworthiness, attractiveness, and expertise. This study succeeded in collecting primary data from 216 respondents which were then analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method. This research shows that the variables trustworthiness, attractiveness, and expertise positively and significantly influence the intention to pay zakat. Based on the results, zakat institutions are expected to select reliable public figures who can be trusted by the community, have an appeal to the community, and have a good understanding and competence about zakat.


Zakat Intention; Public Figures; Trustworthiness; Attractiveness, Expertise.


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DOI: 10.15408/aiq.v16i1.39202


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