Khamami Zada


Along with the widespread application of Islamic law, the Government of Aceh implemented an exclusive zone for the application of sharia economics. The issuance of Qanun No. 11/2018 concerning Islamic Financial Institutions emphasizes the exclusivity of the Islamic economy in Aceh. This paper aims to discuss the implementation of the Qanun of Islamic Financial Institutions from a public policy perspective. Data was collected through interviews with the heads of the Islamic Sharia Office, academics, non government activist, and stakeholders of Islamic financial institutions in Aceh. The data is then analyzed using an interpretive policy analysis approach. The results of the study found that the sharia economic exclusivity in Aceh was a public policy that began with the appearance of inputs in society in the form of demands and support that entered the political system. This is based on the fading of sharia values in the practice of the people of Aceh, giving rise to demands to restore Islamic identity within the local government framework. Through the conversion process, this demand produces output in the form of an exclusive public policy in implementing Islamic finance in Aceh. This policy has implications for people's difficulties in accessing inclusive finance, which can have an impact on the welfare of the people of Aceh.




Keywords: exclusivity; sharia economy; public policy; Aceh


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DOI: 10.15408/aiq.v1i1.32358


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