Al Iqtishad is currently index by DOAJ, Crossref, and Google Scholars. It is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Faculty of Shariah and Law, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta in supported by IAEI (Ikatan Ahli Ekonomi Islam Indonesia/ The Indonesian Association of Islamic Economists), MES (Masyarakat Ekonomi Syariah) and KNEKS (Komite Nasional Ekonomi dan Keuangan Syariah). The journal is published twice a year on January-June and July-December, intended as a medium of information, communication, and dissemination of research result and scientific studies in the field of Islamic economics and finance, as well as Islamic law on sharia economics and finance .


Submission deadline: March 1, 2025

Conference: March 4, 2025


Guest Speker:

Welcoming Speach:

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Maksum, S.H., M.A., MDC. 

Head of Faculty Sharia and Law, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Opening Speach:

Prof. Nur Hidayah, S.Ag., SE., M.A., Ph.D

Editor in Chief of Journal Al Iqtishad

Keynote Speach:

Ass. Prof. Mohd Zaidi (University Malaya, Malaysia)

Adama N. Diarra (CEO Sesame Sari and Mayor of Kourouma)


Topic of Interest:

Law and Practice of Sharia Economics, covering Islamic finance, sharia businesses, halal issues, islamic philanthropy (zakah and waqf), islamic banking, insurance, capital market, socio-economic issues (poverty, empowerment, social justice, and sustainable development), and other topic related ti this area in local and global communities, by also considering inclusive economy.

Special topic

In this special topics, Al-Iqtishad editorial board and the guest editor invited manuscripts derived from original research both conceptual and empirical related to "Promoting Inclusive and Resilent Regulatory Frameworks and Policies for Sustainable Islamic Economy and Finance in the Wolrd". 

How to submit

if you wish to apply, please visit the following registration


The manuscript should be prepared according to the author guideline available at

If authors have any problems on the online submission, please contact Editorial Office at the following email:

Further information contact:

+62 858-0037-0577 (Elisa Eka Andriyani, S.H)

+62 895-0868-7770 (Diah Larasati, M.H)


Submission Deadline:

March 1, 2025

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