Factors Affecting Consumers' Comprehensive Vehicle Insurance Policy Purchasing Behavior

Muhammet Kutlu, Serpil Sumer Adin, Hilal Mola, Şeyma Şahin Kutlu


Research Originality: With increasing vehicle values in Türkiye and high insurance costs, consumers' vehicle insurance purchasing preferences emerge as a dilemma. The study examines consumers' insurance purchasing behavior in this dilemma's context of risk and overconfidence tendencies.

Research Objectives: This study aims to reveal the effects of individual characteristics, attitude toward risk, and overconfidence tendencies on comprehensive vehicle insurance policy purchasing behavior.

Research Methods: A questionnaire was administered to 428 selected vehicle owners in Turkey, and the questionnaire results were analyzed using the binary logit model.

Empirical Results: The study found that gender, education level, income level, market value of the vehicle, attitude towards risk, and self-confidence level have statistically significant effects on comprehensive vehicle insurance policy purchase decisions.

Implications: The relationship between risk-taking behavior, overconfidence, and insurance purchasing behavior requires further discussion. Government policies that increase insurance awareness are recommended to weaken this relationship.

JEL Classification: D12, G22, C25

How to Cite:
Kutlu, M., Sumer Adin, S., Mola, H., & Şahin Kutlu, S. (2024). Analysis of Factors Affecting Consumers' Comprehensive Vehicle Insurance Policy Purchasing Behavior. Etikonomi, 3(2), 539 – 554. https://doi.org/10.15408/etk.v23i2.37807.


risk-taking behavior; comprehensive vehicle insurance policy; purchase behavior; binary logit model


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