Eco-Theology: Journal of Theological Reflections on Ecology and Environment

Eco-Theology: Journal of Theological Reflections on Ecology and Environment is an interdisciplinary academic journal that explores the integration of theological perspectives with environmental sustainability, ecological responsibility, and their role in social transformation. This journal highlights the significance of religious values in shaping ethical environmental practices, sustainable development, and community empowerment. It also examines the intersection of religion, ecology, and environmental ethics, addressing topics such as environmental stewardship, faith-based advocacy, economic justice, social welfare, and the philosophical dimensions of ecotheology.

The journal welcomes contributions from scholars, researchers, and practitioners discussing how theological principles inform environmental policies, ecological conservation, education, and sustainability efforts. It serves as a platform for critical discourse on faith-based solutions to contemporary ecological and environmental challenges.

This journal publishes empirical research, case studies, conceptual analyses, and comprehensive literature reviews. It is published twice a year and welcomes interdisciplinary contributions exploring the relationship between ecology, theology, and environmental ethics in both academic and practical contexts.

Published by Kopertais Wilayah I DKI Jakarta dan Banten.