من المكاتب إلى الفضائات السيبرانية: فعالية برنامج الإرشاد ما قبل الزواج عبر منصات التواصل الاجتماعية

Fauzun Jamal, Imam Sujoko


The progress of communication technologies, especially after the Covid 19 pandemics, has brought about changes in general patterns of behaviour, as well as in the rehabilitation program for those intending to get married, which was held as usual in the offices of religious affairs (KUA), but there is a phenomenon of the emergence of many classes of rehabilitation programs through social media that can be Find it on various platforms including via Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and others. There are different types of organizers of free or paid premarital rehabilitation programs, and the preparation materials were presented in different ways according to these organizers. Based on the background of this phenomenon, this research was presented to answer a valid question about premarital guidance program chapters via social media, how they were applied and whether they demonstrated good effectiveness. The research method used is descriptive, i.e. a descriptive study process of a variable related to the research problem under study without questioning the relationship between the variables. The data was collected by observation and interviews. Observation is a systematic observation of the object or phenomenon under study. Interviews are a method of collecting data in research that is used to find out things in depth. The research reached the results that the organizers of the guidance program for those about to get married through the social network provide sufficient materials for their followers and are innovative with new things. This is done in an appropriate manner with modern technologies and through the use of platforms such as WhatsApp, YouTube and Zoom. Also, the guidance program chapters were completed with the most enthusiastic participation of the participants and their willingness to follow all the guidance programs. The materials were prepared according to the needs of the participants. The counsellors have good qualifications, suitable backgrounds, and experts in the field of marriage and family. As for the effectiveness of the pre-marriage guidance program classes through social media platforms, the result showed that they have good effectiveness, either in terms of the participants’ assimilation of the materials, or in terms of organizing the programs, both in terms of the method of delivering and developing affection and the experience of the mentors. However, there is still a weakness in terms of the lack of dialogue between the counsellors and the participants, the lack of discussion of experiences and facts about family life, and case studies.

DOI: 10.15408/zr.v21i1.37789


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