Implementasi Algoritma Kompresi Data Huffman Untuk Memperkecil Ukuran File MP3 Player

Victor Amrizal


Process to minimize file is by undertaking compression to that file. Text compression process aims to reduce symbol purpose repeat or character that arrange text by mengkodekan symbols or that character so room the need storage can be reduced and data Transfer time can faster. Text compression process can be done by mengkodekan segments of original text is next to be placed deep lexical. Process compression can be done by various algorithm media, amongst those Coding's Huffman that constitutes one of tech compression which involve frequency distribution a symbol to form unique code. Symbol frequency distribution will regard long its Huffman code, progressively frequent that symbol texts deep appearance therefore Huffman code length that resulting will get short. This method mengkodekan symbols or characters with binary treed help by merges two character emergence frequencies smallest until molded treed codes.



Huffman Coding, kompresi data, algoritma.

DOI: Abstract - 0


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