Model Aplikasi Sistem Pakar Evaluasi Dini Penentuan Penyakit Berdasarkan Metode Kuantifikasi Pertanyaan Tentang Keragaman Gejala : Studi Kasus Delapan Penyakit Bayi

Hendra Bayu Suseno


Its very difficult having certainty factor from the patient  symptom. In this research the writer propose CF calculation method in  the expert system for pre evaluation disease with quantification method. Using this method in order to user can be  easier using the expert system cause patient just write the symptom,then automatically system will calculate user CF. The CF score result is from average CF symptom The quatification method is has been used and implemented for pre evaluation disease which build with visualbasic programe and Microsoft acces 2002 database.

Keywords :

Certainty Factor,  Expert System, quantification, patient, symptom, pre evaluation, disease, users and CF calculation

DOI: Abstract - 0


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Copyright (c) 2011 Hendra Bayu Suseno

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