Routing Protocol berbasis Cluster Segitiga

Nurhayati Nurhayati


Wireless sensor networks users are increasing drastically in communication and technology. They consist of
small battery powered devices with limited energy resources. Once deployed, the small sensor nodes are usually
inaccessible to the user, and thus replacement of the energy source is not feasible. However, the smaller of a device
the better it is. The development of device should be user friendly. Hence, energy efficiency is a key design issue
that needs to be enhanced in order to improve the life span of the network. In BCDCP, all sensors send data from
CH (Cluster Head) and then to BS (Base Station).  BCDCP works well in small-scale network but in large scale
network it is not appropriated since it uses much energy for long distance wireless communication. We propose a
routing protocol  -  Triangular Clustering  Routing Protocol  (TCRP)  -  to prolong network life time through the
balanced energy consumption.  RPTC selects cluster head of triangular shape. The sensor field is divided into
energy level and in every level we choose one node as a gate node. This gate node collects data and sends it to the
leader node. Finally the leader node sends the aggregated data to the BS. We show TCRP outperforms BCDCP
with several experiments.

Key words: Wireless Sensor Network, Routing Protocol, Clustering

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Copyright (c) 2015 Nurhayati Nurhayati

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