Pengaruh modal psikologis dan persepsi gayakepemimpinan transformasional terhadap workplace well being

Anita Yuniarti, Desi Yustari Muchtar


This study aims to determine the effect of psychological capital and the perception
of transformational leadership style to the workplace well being of employees.
This study uses quantitative approach with multiple regression analysis involving
a sample of 220 civil servants of the Ministry X. The sampling technique used
in this study is a non-probability sampling. To measure workplace wellbeing,
researchers compiled independently of workplace wellbeing scale based on the
theory of workplace well being developed by Page (2005). Then, the instrument
used to measure the psychological capital is Psychological Capital Quessionare
24 (PCQ-24) developed by Luthans, Youssef & Avolio (2007). Furthermore,
measuring instruments used to measure the perception of transformational
leadership is a modification of the measuring instrument multifactor Leadership
questionnare factor (MLQ). Based on the results of hypothesis testing, first
conclusions obtained from this study is a significant difference of perception
psychological capital dan transformational leadership style on workplace well
being on the employees of the Ministry X. Then based on the results of tests of
significance of each regression coefficient on the dependent variable, there are
four variables were obtained significant regression coefficient values, namely; (1)
hope dimension of psychological capital; (2) the dimension idealized influence of
transformational leadership style; (3) the dimensions of intellectual stimulation
transformational leadership style; and (4) individualized consideration dimensions
of transformational leadership style.


workplace well being, psychological capital, perception of transformational leadership style


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DOI: 10.15408/tazkiya.v4i2.10843


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