Rafet Bey: The Last Ottoman Consul in Batavia during the First World War 1911-1924
This paper will investigate a brief intellectual history of Rafet Bey, an Ottoman statesman who was appointed as consul-general in Batavia in the early twentieth century. In this paper, intellectual and global history will be the main approach to analyze relations between the Ottomans and the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia) in the early twentieth century, especially during the First World War. The appointment of Rafet Bey as Ottoman consul in Batavia coincided with a moment of strength for the Dutch East Indies, after conquering Aceh and other Indonesian regions. On the other hand, the emergence of the Armenian question also caused some difficulties in Ottoman foreign policy at the time. In short, a brief intellectual biography of Rafet Bey is important because it allows deeper analysis on Ottoman- Indonesia relations in the early twentieth century.
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Unpublished Archives: Başbakanlik Osmanli Arşivi (BOA), Ottoman Archives of the Prime Ministry, Istanbul, Turkey.
Eminiyeti-i Ummumiye Müdüriyeti Belgeleri (DH.EUM)
Hariciye Nezareti İstanbul Murahhaslığı (HR.İM)
Hariciye Nezareti Siyasi Kısmı Evrakı (HR.SYA)
İrade Hariciye (İ.HR)
Yıldız Sedaret Hususi Maruzat Evrakı (YA.HUS)
Unpublished Malay/Indonesian Newspapers
Neraca (10 November 1917)
Oetoesan Hindia (19 November 1915; 7 October 1915)
Pantjaran Warta (10 July 1917; 19 July 1917; 18 August 1917; 20 July 1917
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