Islamic School and Arab Association: Aḥmad Sūrkatī’s Reformist Thought and Its Influence on the Educational Activities of al-Irshād

Motoki Yamaguchi


Al-Irshād is an organization formed by the Arabs in present-day Indonesia in 1914, which advocates Islamic reform. This article examines its educational activities in the Dutch colonial period, elucidating the thoughts of its founder and leader, Aḥmad Sūrkatī, and the process of the integration of Arabs into the host society. Sūrkatī’s thought is distinguished from other Arab reformists for its emphasis on “egalitarianism” and its lack of a tendency towards Arab nationalism. From early on, he attempted to adapt the al-Irshād schools to the colonial education system in order to attract indigenous (pribumi) students, as well. In the late 1920s, he began to be locally oriented, with a focus territorially limited to Indonesia. The educational activities of al-Irshād in the 1930s also indicated the weakning of Ḥaḍramī/Arab-orientation. By the late 1930s, the opinion of al-Irshād was decisively inclined toward integration within the host society.

DOI: 10.15408/sdi.v23i3.3268


Aḥmad Sūrkatī; al-Irshād; Islamic Reformism; Arabs in Indonesia; Integration; Aḥmad Sūrkatī; al-Irshād; Reformasi Islam; Orang-orang Arab di Indonesia; Integrasi

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Aliran Baroe (Surabaya 1938–1941)

al-‘Arab (Singapore 1931–1935)

al-Dahnā’ (Surabaya 1928–1929)

al-Dhakhīrah al-Islāmīyah (Batavia 1923–1924)

Ḥaḍramawt (Surabaya 1923–1933)

Handelingen van den Volksraad (Batavia 1918–1942)

al-Hudā (Batavia 1930–1931)

al-Hudā (Singapore 1931–1934)

al-Irshād (Surabaya 1920–1921)

Javasche Courant (Batavia 1829–1949)

al-Ma‘ārif (Batavia 1927–1928)

al-Manār (Cairo 1898–1936)

al-Miṣbāḥ (Surabaya 1929)

al-Murshid (Surabaya 1937–1939, 1956)

Perdamaijan (Bukit Tinggi 1929)

Pertimbangan (Bandung 1916–1917)

Sin Po (Batavia 1910–1935)

Soeara Perdamaian (Surabaya 1924–1927)


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