Penggunaan GPS untuk Memetakan Sebaran dan Pemilihan Sekolah Dasar Negeri di Propinsi Bali

Eri Rustamaji


The main role of a funding agency is providing support to the area that the agency set their mission for. Funding  agency usually has certain amount of budget and  limited time to deliver the support. Therefore they need to select which entity (in this case elementary school) being prioritized to receive their support. To support the process we use survey method using GPS to collect information about school location as well as interview by surveyor using structured questionaire while visitting the school. The location data provide us information on how to deliver material to  the school (related to mode of transportation and how much time needed). Questionaire data help us to rank the school condition and decide which school need support more than others. Based on certain criteria we chose 78 out of 1,279 schools we surveyed to receive funding support.

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