Usulan Model Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi pada Domain Plan and Organise dengan Menggunakan Framework COBIT 4.1

Weny Sisio Wiyandri, Syopiansyah Jaya Putra, Fitroh Fitroh


PT Insan Persada as a company engaged in the field of waterproofing contractor with a broad scope of projects and many are located outside the city requires optimal IT involvement so the need for a mechanism appropriate IT governance standards. COBIT 4.1 framework provide solutions to implement IT governance model. This study focuses on the domain of the domain that washy and organisé PO4 (determining the IT processes, organization and relationship), PO5 domains (managing IT investments), PO7 domain (IT human resource management), domain PO8 (managing quality), and the domain PO9 (assess and manage IT risks). This research using the method management awareness and maturity level in each domain of each PO4, PO5, PO7, PO8 and PO9. Based on calculations using the performance level of management awareness on PO4 domain has an average value of 1:22 (approximately), PO5 domain with an average value of 1.90 (moderate), PO7 domain with an average value of 1:46 (approximately), with a mean value PO8 domain average 1.67 (medium) and PO9 with an average value of 1:38 (approximately). While the calculation of the level of maturity assessment using the domain PO4 maturity level is 1 (initial/ad hoc), PO5 domain is 2 (repeatable but intuitive), PO7 domain is 2 (repeatable but intuitive), PO8 domain is 2 (repeatable but intuitive) and domain PO9 is 1 (initial/ad hoc). From the results of these studies indicate each is still not optimal for each domain and each domain has a gap that must be addressed as a form of recommendation on the proposed research.

Keywords: Plan and organisé, Management Awareness,  Maturity Level, Waterproofing

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